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Artist Spotlight: Rebecca Lucario
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Artist Spotlight: Rebecca Lucario

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Artist Spotlight: Rebecca Lucario


As a Native American Art business, we are fortunate to come across talented artists every day.  It’s rare, however, to work with an artist as talented and impressive as Acoma potter Rebecca Lucario.



Rebecca, born on April 18, 1951 to Edward and Kathryn Lewis, was raised by her grandmother, Dolores Sanchez.  Artist Spotlight: Rebecca LucarioDolores was Rebecca’s teacher and mentor, showing her everything involved with making pottery the traditional way, from digging and processing clay, to collecting stones and plant for paints, to firing pottery in the open. Rebecca made her first piece of pottery at age 8; and according to the artist herself, the process took her a month to complete!

Artist Spotlight: Rebecca LucarioToday, Rebecca is known for incredible intricate fine line pieces, often polychrome, showcasing incomprehensibly thin lines that she paints by hand, using a yucca brush.  Her inspiration, she says, came from her love of late Acoma potter Dorothy Torivio’s work.

Not as well-known about Rebecca is the fact that she is sister to Marilyn Ray, Judy Lewis and Carolyn Concho, and that her entire family is well-known and well-recognized within the Native American pottery community, each with their own distinct style, but each creating their pieces in the same, traditional way.  The tradition behind and intricacy within Rebecca’s pieces have earned her several awards over the years, most notably from the Santa Fe Indian Market and the Gallup Inter-tribal Indian ceremonial. Artist Spotlight: Rebecca Lucario

Truly works of art, Rebecca’s pieces are mesmerizing in so many ways, from the incredibly fine lines, to the combination of patterns, to the fact that each piece is made and painted entirely by hand. As a finishing touch, Rebecca prays over each of her pieces upon their completion, wishing for them to bring health and happiness to their new homes. Not only is Rebecca a talented, remarkable artist, but quite a lovely person, and we are so happy to get the opportunity to work with her, learn from her, and promote her.  The care she takes to create each piece, and the tradition she draws upon, are admirable, inspiring, and embody the true spirit of Native American art.