Kokopelli: Fertility Deity and God of Harvest
In many places in the world, primitive people used to carve images on rocks, often called Petroglyphs. The Kokopelli, a mystical flute player, is the most well known petroglyph in the American southwest. Petroglyph carvings of the Kokopelli figure date... Read more
Make a Unique Statement with Native American Indian Jewelry
New Mexico is a unique state: our culture is a blend of western, Spanish and Native American Indian, specifically Pueblo and Navajo. At Palms Trading Company, our Native American Indian jewelry pieces are products of that unique blend. Much of the jewelry we... Read more
Native American Carved Stone Fetishes: A Primer
Native Americans have created and used carved stone fetishes throughout recorded history; particularly those residing in the Southwest. A fetish is an object, typically carved of stone, rock, or antler, that is believed to have special powers. Fetishes... Read more