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Carved Stone Fetishes and Their Meanings

Carved Stone Fetishes and Their Meanings

  Native American fetishes are hand-carved objects, believed to represent the spirits of animals or the forces of nature. For thousands of years, Native Americans have used fetishes in an effort to master the arbitrary and unpredictable forces beyond their... Read more
Guardian Fetishes: The Six Directional Animals

Guardian Fetishes: The Six Directional Animals

Our friend and fetish carver Andy Abeita of Isleta Pueblo was kind enough to share some of his writings with  us, and we are proud to share his rendition of the Guardian Fetishes: Six Directional Animals, with you.       And so the Great Spirit... Read more
Native American Carved Stone Fetishes and Their Meanings

Native American Carved Stone Fetishes and Their Meanings

Native American Indians have used stone fetishes throughout recorded history; particularly those of the Southwest.  These stone fetishes represent the spirits of animals or the forces of nature and are most often used in an effort to master the arbitrary and... Read more
Carved Stone Fetishes and Their Meanings

Native American Carved Stone Fetishes: A Primer

  Native Americans have created and used carved stone fetishes throughout recorded history; particularly those residing in the Southwest.  A fetish is an object, typically carved of stone, rock, or antler, that is believed to have special powers.   Fetishes... Read more
Native American Indian Fetishes: Importance and Creation

Native American Indian Fetishes: Importance and Creation

  You may have seen them around our store—small animal figurines carved out of stone. Some have precious stone inlay, others have feathers or arrows tied to them. These beautiful, precious carvings are called fetishes and, like kachina dolls, these hand-made... Read more
Zuni Fetishes: History, Legend, and Purpose

Zuni Fetishes: History, Legend, and Purpose

  When it comes to Zuni fetishes, “more than meets the eye” only begins to scratch the surface of all that lies behind these beautiful Native American carvings.  In fact, the stories and history behind fetishes extend far beyond what many view as just a stone... Read more